PENEWO – Business Marketing

By: Penewo
Published On: Fri 11. Feb 2022

The sometimes merciless race in business for to be visible

For most companies or, for example, freelancers, it is necessary to be discoverable.

In 2019 there were more than 32.5 million companies in the United States.

76.2% of these companies or around 25 million are so-called “non-employer” companies. This includes sole proprietorships who set up a business at home or in shared offices, but also people who work as self-employed, consultants or freelancers for larger companies.

The level of awareness required varies by company and also over time. For some it is paramount – example consumer goods

In 2007, research firm Yankelovich estimated that the average person saw up to 5,000 ads a day. By 2022, they say, the average person will see between 6,000 and 10,000 ads a day.

And what about all the service companies that aren't on the first page of a search engine? Also, every company has a different type of website to muddle through.

So why did we create Penewo for the business world?

With all the advertising, what better way than to be visible to people who are already looking for something that you can offer? It would be a shame not to seize this opportunity.

We wanted to create websites with a repeating design so that people who are used to it know where to look to get information quickly. Also, these sites should be linked to a search directory to be found which is a huge advantage related to common websites. A kind of modern business directory (Yellow Pages) with the difference that it is free!

One of our intensively discussed topics was how to transfer a lot of information in a very short time. Finally, we came up with the Penewo Microsystem, which you can experience on the main page. Latest business uploads are presented as teasers and viewers can decide if they want to see more.

PENEWO – free additional marketing

We at Penewo offer you not only the info-page, called Peenewo (Web) Page but also an email-address for it. Now everyone can be represented AND be found on the net.

Penewo is so to speak free marketing for any business activity. You are not only connected to a search by your pre-set keywords but also connected to a news feed system called “Your News” where people interested in your business can get latest information by keywords (interests). In addition, we have added an electronic name card system and a review.

We want to support the business community as good as we can and if there is still something to be done - we are open to it.

The service is for free and should be financed later through advertisement.
