Penewo for Freelancers

By: Penewo
Published On: Fri 22. Jul 2022

If you look at the statistics, many people have decided to be self-employed for completely different reasons than you might think. What makes freelancing so popular in all professional classes? 40% of freelancers state that they prefer a traditional job (according to the Upwork survey). Is a new work system emerging from the constant search for a more efficient economy?

Please do not get me wrong. These are fundamental questions with major consequences for our future lifestyle. 32 percent left their job due to care work (Financial Times / Harvard Business School), which is understandable from a social point of view. Maybe these people had no choice but to quit their old jobs. More than 80% of employees with caring responsibilities said that caring affects their productivity (Harvard Business School survey).

Is the “new economy” of freelancing being thrown down on the common people because of the economic circumstances? A large number of executives admit that they would rather “hire” talent with a smaller internal workforce. On the other hand, there are many new job profiles geared towards the freelancer community. I don't want to give the wrong impression here. For us, the reason for the growth of the freelancer community is of immense importance, since freelancers are the main target group of our services.

There are currently 57 million freelancers in the US. But beware — the same stat says that 28% of “Americans” now freelance full-time. That would be 92 million people if you take 330 million Americans. Just Google “freelancer statistics”.

Important for us: 64% of freelancers said that their general health has improved. 41% of freelancers find new work through their previous clients etc…..

We want to know who are the people using our services, what drives them and what we have to offer to somehow make their lives more efficient. We try to support them as much as possible - a good presentation - findable by keywords - newsfeed by keywords - electronic business card system - review settings and if you have an idea how to support our freelance community let us know. We will integrate it. We are not perfect - nobody really is. Thank you very much.