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Heinz Haber

3 weeks ago

Heidelberg, Germany

Heinz Haber (May 15, 1913 in Mannheim – February 13, 1990 in Hamburg) was a German physicist and science writer who primarily became known for his TV programs and books about physics and environmental subjects. His lucid style of explaining hard science has frequently been imitated by later popular science presenters in Germany.

Retep Borg

3 weeks ago

Dodoma, Tanzania

Born in Tanzania. Went to Hinawawa Groundschool. At 12 years old kidnapped by the NRA (National Resistance Army). Until 16 Years old trained in Guerilla Warfare and later learned about finance and money laundering. At the age of 22 moved to the NRM (National Resistance Movement) and took the position of Advisor of Finance in the NRM which also was supported by Muammar Gaddafi. At age 30 Deputy Finance Minister of Tanzania, a position that I have until today.