Slogan: We connect

Peter and Ruben

Never in his life would Peter have thought that he would spend a large part of his life in Thailand.

Peter, a Swiss national, grew up in Germany where he attended university, later worked for various companies but finally decided to move to Bangkok for some time. The "some time" extended to many years.

It was one of those sunny Bangkok afternoons on Sukhumvit Soi 8 Road at an open restaurant when a friend introduced him to Ruben Wasserscheidt.

Ruben, a full stack software developer, specializing in web and mobile apps, was born and raised in Germany, but relocated to Thailand during his teenage years.

Peter was looking for a programmer. He had the idea of a company hub that included all external company connections like purchase, sales, employee search, etc. The company name was “Cosengi” (COmpany Search ENGIne). It was not the first attempt to approach this topic. So when he met Ruben, he made an appointment for the next week at a small cafe in a mall.

The 2 guys discussed everything, time frame and workload etc. - came to an agreement and started to create COSENGI.

After some time Peter had the task of creating and designing the basic function of the employee search and this was the beginning of PENEWO.

What is work anyway?

You learn something and then get paid to use that know-how, but Peter figured that people had so much more knowledge to narrow it down just for work.

How about we take ALL of everyone's knowledge and make it available to anyone who is looking for it? The bakery owner who knows about his tax program or the lawyer who acquired know how building a house? Anything is possible.

It didn't stop there. We humans have desires, dreams and hopes. Why not make a program that takes care of all these things? Find other people for everything that interests you, whether private or business, science or freelance. People are looking for other people.

Peter called Ruben and he remembers being surprised at how quickly Ruben got the idea. He needed seconds. "That's what we wanted to do."

With neither being regular users of social media networks, they were unburdened by any prior knowledge and thus were able to look at the concept with fresh eyes and ideas.

In the beginning, Penewo was very small AND had a different name. First they made the desktop version, then the Android version, then the IOS version and last but not least the app.

The program itself initially consisted of search, micros and PENEWO webpages. Then a news feed was attached based on personal interests defined by the user. At the very end, it was decided to attach the so-called matrix, in which you can scroll mobile through uploads from different subscribers.

It took both of them an endless time. In the end Ruben and Peter were pretty exhausted, but now the marketing had to start. Target groups! It was clear to both of them that the main target group were freelancers and they want to start there.

Looking back, neither of them can fully understand why it has taken this long to develop PENEWO. In our current fast-moving world, prototypes are often developed and published within a few weeks to gauge user interest, but this wasn’t the path that these 2 Germans wanted to follow as they’ve set on their journey to make their vision become reality.

As it is finished now and goes into the market both of them hope, that you like their creation.

Just take a look: